KCET Code:E212
ComedK Code:E039
COA Code:KA22
PGCET Code - MBA: B156
PGCET Code - MCA: C503
Admissions Helpine:  +91 80 49251548 / +91 80 49251549

Computer Science and Engineering

About theDepartment

Year of Establishment: 2011 with the Intake 60

Increase in intake: In the Year 2013 to 120
Increase in intake: In the Year 2019 to 180
Increase in intake: In the Year 2023 to 240
Increase in intake: In the Year 2024 to 360

Computer Science Engineering (CSE) is an Engineering discipline that encompasses a variety of topics related to Computation, Algorithms, Programming Languages, Program Design, Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Operating System, Networking, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision , Internet of Things, Big Data etc. The CSE Department is committed for creating a community of students that reflects the diversity of the world we live in, contributing to educational excellence and a dynamic campus environment. Our goal is not only to teach students, how to use current computer applications, but rather to educate them so that they understand how these applications work and can design and build the computer applications of the future. The syllabus encompasses a broad and complete curriculum that covers the "big ideas" of computer science from hardware to software and from theory to application.
With highly qualified, trained and dedicated teachers who are responsible for the overall academic growth, the department excels in the teaching-learning methodology and has a good academic and placement track record. The learning experience here is wholesome and tailored to suit needs of the industry and independent career development. Apart from academics, students are trained with the latest technologies by conducting Workshops, Seminars, Mini Project Development, Hackathons, Paper Presentation, Ideation and other numerous technical activities with helps the students to cope up with the current Industry needs. Students are encouraged to participate in state and National level competitions covering academic, sports and cultural activities and also are trained to become Entrepreneurs.


Epitomize CSE graduate to carve a niche globally in the field of computer science to excel in the world of information technology and automation by imparting knowledge to sustain skills for the changing trends in the society and industry.


  • M1: To educate students to become excellent engineers in a confident and creative environment through world-class pedagogy.
  • M2: Enhancing the knowledge in the changing technology trends by giving hands-on experience through continuous education and by making them to organize & participate in various events.
  • M3: Impart skills in the field of IT and its related areas with a focus on developing the required competencies and virtues to meet the industry expectations.
  • M4: Ensure quality research and innovations to fulfill industry, government & social needs.
  • Impart entrepreneurship and consultancy skills to students to develop self-sustaining life skills in multi-disciplinary areas.

PSO1: Foundation of Mathematical Concepts: Ability to use mathematical methodologies to crack problem using suitable mathematical analysis, data structure and suitable algorithm.

PSO2: Foundation of Computer System: Ability to interpret the fundamental concepts and methodology of computer systems. Students can understand the functionality of hardware and software aspects of computer systems.

PSO3: Foundations of Software Development: Ability to grasp the software development lifecycle and methodologies of software systems. Possess competent skills and knowledge of software design process. Familiarity and practical proficiency with a broad area of programming concepts and provide new ideas and innovations towards research.

PSO4: Foundations of Multi-Disciplinary Work: Ability to acquire leadership skills to perform professional activities with social responsibilities, through excellent flexibility to function in multi-disciplinary work environment with self-learning skills.

Department Video
