ComedK Code:E039
COA Code:KA22
PGCET Code - MCA: C503
Admissions Helpine: +91 80 49251548 / +91 80 49251549
"To create an enriching learning environment that imparts creative, learning and research skills to students in the domain of artificial intelligence."
PEO 1:The Graduates of CSE(AI) acquire a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications.
PEO 2:To apply AI techniques and tools to solve real-world problems and create innovative solutions.
PEO 3:To develop skills in data analysis, Cloud Computing, Full Stack development and Machine learning for AI implementation.
PEO 4: To develop the ability to design, analyze, and evaluate the CSE( AI ) systems.
PEO 5:To foster creativity, innovative thinking, entrepreneurial Skills and a commitment to lifelong learning in the field of CSE(AI) to contribute towards DIGIWORLD.