KCET Code:E212
ComedK Code:E039
COA Code:KA22
PGCET Code - MBA: B156
PGCET Code - MCA: C503
Admissions Helpine:  +91 8951890085/84

Computer Science & Engineering (Data Science)

About theDepartment

Year Of Establishment : 2022
Intake of the Department = 60

Brief Details about Data Science:
  • Data Science is the extraction of actionable Information from raw data
  • Data science is the practice practice of designing and building systems for collecting, Storing and analyzing data at scale.
  • Data engineering is a Whital aspect of company growth, Network interactions and predicting future trends.
  • Data Science is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills and knowledge of mathematics and statics to exact meaningful insights from data.


“To create an academic environment which trains the students as next generation data scientist solving grand challenges innovating through global research opportunities.”.


  • To ensure the responsible use of data to benefit society.
  • To ensure broader community in the translation of data into information to support and improve decision making.
  • To develop skilled professionals in data science field.
  • To establish industry conducive environment with State-of-Art data driven infrastructure
  • To facilitate high quality data science education, industry collaboration with research orientation.
  • To maximize the power of data benefiting the social needs through science and engineering. PEO’s
  • PSO 1: Produce quality data science professionals with robust development knowledge
  • PSO 2: Develop global competency student quality to meet data science changes.