KCET Code:E212
ComedK Code:E039
COA Code:KA22
PGCET Code - MBA: B156
PGCET Code - MCA: C503
Admissions Helpine:  +91 80 49251548 / +91 80 49251549


Director's Message:

Dear Alumni,

It fills me with immense pride and joy to speak to all of you through this message. As we gather under the banner of our beloved alma mater, we not only remember our shared memories, but also celebrate the journey that has led us to where we are today.

Be the part DSATM alumni family by registering here: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER / LOGIN

The Alumni Association serves as a bridge connecting our past, present, and future. It embodies the spirit of camaraderie and lifelong learning that defines our institution. Each one of you with your different experiences.

Your journey beyond our campus walls is a testament to the transformative power of education and the lasting impact of our shared experiences. Whether you are making progress in your field, leading ground-breaking initiatives or contributing to the betterment of society, your achievements continue to inspire us all. The bond between Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management and its alumni is not just one of shared history, but of ongoing collaboration and support. Your insights, expertise and unwavering dedication are invaluable and guide the next generation of leaders to excellence.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the world, I encourage you to stay connected with us, share your stories, and actively participate in the vibrant tapestry of our community. Together we can move forward, united in our commitment to lifelong learning, innovation and service.

I express my sincere gratitude to each of you for your continued contributions and for being ambassadors of our institution's values. May our bond continue to strengthen and flourish in the years to come.


We strive to create a vibrant and engaged community of alumni who will be proud ambassadors of our alma mater, foster lifelong connections, and contribute to the success and reputation of our institution


  • To create interest and motivate the alumni to participate in the progress of the Institute and make them contribute towards the enhancement of their Alma mater.
  • Provide a forum for the alumni for exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues of the day
  • To exchange professional knowledge, organize technical conferences, seminars workshops & training courses.