KCET Code:E212
ComedK Code:E039
COA Code:KA22
PGCET Code - MBA: B156
PGCET Code - MCA: C503
Admissions Helpine:  +91 8951890085/84


Examination Section

The Controller of Examinations (COE) is assisted by the Deputy Controller of Examinations and other staff for conducting the examinations and publishing the results on time. The main responsibility of examination section is to Conduct various examinations, valuation of answer scripts and publication of results and issuing of Certificates.

For the smooth running of all the processes of the COE office, which are vital to the proper functioning of the institute, a manual “Academic Rules and Regulations” has been compiled in which all the rules, regulations and procedures have been exhaustively laid out. This manual will serve as a useful ready- reckoner and help to clear doubts that may arise.

The Examination Section is aware of the need for reforms in traditional examination and assessment system and is continuously striving towards evolving a credible, valid, effective and transparent evaluation system that addresses the challenges and newer demands of the outside world.

We have adopted technology to facilitate easy interface for exchange of information to all stakeholders.
